About Us
At Kaha Basketball Academy, we offer rangatahi (14-18 years) residing in Marlborough increased opportunity to:
Participate in Elite Training Programs
Travel to and Compete in Basketball tournaments held throughout Aotearoa
Cultural (team and self) development and understanding through Haka and other mātauranga (knowledge)
Leadership Development
Coaching Development through the delivery of coaching clinics with younger players
Opportunities to travel and play internationally – USA 2023; Japan 2024; USA 2025
Introduction to Sport Psychology, PATH planning and other whakaaro (ideas) that support the mental and emotional (hinengaro) development
Personal Development of work ethic, skills and confidence through participation in team fundraising kaupapa and interaction with funders
Head Coach: Leo Wiapo
I started playing basketball from a young age. Mostly playing two on two with my brothers and Dad on a farm, playing on a hoop made out of off cuts of wood and with a ball that had no grip. Due to the fact we lived in a rural area I was homeschooled and never received any coaching, or play any organised basketball over my high school years. I didn’t know what a screen was, an offence was, positions, different defences or anything along those lines.
It was when I joined the Air Force that I discovered a strong sporting culture, which included basketball. This is where I started to learn what structured basketball was all about. The senior players started to teach me about the game and the importance of a strong team culture. I’m not sure how, but I made their Air Force Team my first year and consistently from there. Every year I worked my way into more court time for the Air Force Team and eventually was named Captain and started playing for the Defence Force Team. It was over this time where I also started competing in the local Marlborough Competition and eventually playing for the Marlborough Magic where it grew my passion for basketball in the region.
I was always fortunate to play with senior players and coaches who had played at a high level and who had the ability to pass on the fundamentals of basketball. This combined with determination to get better, I was able to build my knowledge and skills. This grew my belief that work ethic is key and that anyone can get better. However, what has kept me playing was the camaraderie and sense of belonging I got from being part of a team. These fundamentals that I learned form the foundation of my coaching approach to this day. Work ethic and effort, defensive execution, communication always, finding the best option to score and a strong team culture.
I started coaching with Marlborough age groups to fill a gap. However, as my playing days come to an end; and with kids of my own; coaching has become a focus. There are two reasons I coach. First because of what my role models did for me. It made me want to give back. Secondly is the enjoyment I get from working with youth who are keen and so passionate about basketball. With the game advancing and the skills of the players at a higher level then ever I feel I add the most value passing on principles that lead to team success. Winning teams not only have the skill but the presence of mind to execute in all facets of the game.